One special book that changed my life for the better!
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
The year was 2001 and I was 9 years old. My two older brothers, both avid readers, had been buzzing with excitement all week - The Fellowship of the Ring was finally coming to the big screen. At the time, I really didn't get their excitement, and how they knew that the story of that movie was going to be any good. "Trust us", they said and bought me a ticket to join them for the opening weekend. Within the first few moments of the movie, I was glued to my seat, eyes wide open with excitement at the amazing detail Peter Jackson and company brought to the world of hobbits, elves, dwarf and men. By the time the movie finished, I was jumping with excitement only comparable to that of a child that had eaten too much candy (now that I think of it, all that candy during the movie probably had some part to play in that). This was the best movie I had ever seen! I had a million questions, especially because I knew I had to look forward to a second, and possibly third movie in the coming years. I turned to my brothers, and froze. Their faces were … Placid. There wasn't a shed of the excitement that had gripped me so tightly. "Why", I asked, are you looking so glum?" This movie was amazing!" And then my eldest brother uttered the words that would send me on a journey, which changed my life forever: "The movie was good, but it's still nowhere near as a good as the books".
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. By that time, i had obviously learned to read and had read several books, mandated by my school's curriculum. Yet I approached them with the mentality of executing a mandatory chore, required of me if i wanted to progress further into my academic studies. Never had I read a book of my own volition and never at that point had a book been better than a movie. Yet my brothers' reaction had shaken me with it's cold certainty. I knew I had to find out if what they told me was true - I had to get my hands on the Lord of the Rings books.
At that time, my brothers' had lent their edition to some friends, so I couldn't borrow theirs, and being about 9 year's old meant that my finances consisted of about 3 dollars in a piggy bank jar. My parents were in a rather difficult financial situation at that point and i was loathe to ask them to buy me the book. I went to my oldest brother for advice, as I was at a loss on what to do. He smiled and said that in the weekend he's going to take me to a special place where we're likely to find a good (and relatively cheap) copy of the book.
Never had days passed as slowly as in that week, yet finally, the time came when my brother took me to a place that still holds a very special place in my heart - the local International book fare, organized once a year and gathering more than 100,000 visitors from all over the country. So many people and so many books. I was hooked instantly. We spent a good few hours there, with my brother purchasing close to 15 books at a great discount. Apparently, he had also saved for quite some time and bid his time for the fare to come around again. I was starting to get disheartened, until finally, after hours of searching, we found it - the one book to rule them all! Well, actually, it was three books. But it was a beautifully illustrated paper-back edition set, which came in it's own protective box. And it was all mine. To this day, this is one of the greatest gifts that my brother gave me and I still cherish it dearly.
I couldn't wait to get home and once i did, i jumped on the bed and opened the first book. So ensnared was I by it's contents, that i didn't even realize the sun had set and my mother was calling us all to dinner. Needless to say, i shoved the food into my mouth as fast as I could and got back to reading. I couldn't believe it and i could not get enough of it. My brothers were right! No disrespect meant to Peter Jackson and the incredibly talented people who dedicated years of their time to bring the story to big screen: I still rewatch the trilogy at least twice a year, but the books made me connect with the characters on a level, which even to my young mind, was astounding.
As I grew older, I re-read The Lord of the Rings multiple times. And each time, I found something new in the book. And each time, i felt closer to a different character. In my early teens, i wanted to be like Boromir, Aragorn and Legolas - a mighty hero, able to vanquish hordes of enemies. In my later teens, i identified mostly with Merry and Pippin's mischievous nature and their journey towards maturity. In my twenties, i connected mostly with Frodo and Sam - both thrust on a perilous journey through life, hoping against hope to make it even when all odds are stacked against them. Now, in my 30s, i identify mostly with Gandalf, guiding the next generation to their destiny.
But let's take a step back to that first reading all those years ago. Within about two weeks i had finished all three books and was left with my first bittersweet feeling of finishing a great book - the satisfaction of enjoying a great story to it's fullest, accompanied by a crushing sadness over the journey's end. One more time, I went to my brothers, seeking comfort and advise. And once again, much like Gandalf, they had the right words of wisdom to set me on my path. Remember those 15 books my brother bought? I ended up reading all of them. Then I ended up reading all the books in my parents' modest library. I discovered various different genres, authors and stories. I chose a job, which allows me to tell stories both verbally and in written form. I ended up with so many hobbies, all related to my passion for reading. I can honestly say that I am the person I am today, because one book changed the trajectory of my life.
Is there a book, which changed your life? Let me know in the comments.
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